Tag Archives: thoughts become things

Terrible Twos… Maybe.

Letting go and trusting yourself

Letting go and trusting yourself

My son turns two this week and being a reflective person I find myself looking back on the rapid-fire two years that have certainly whizzed by!

What have I learnt?

  • Life is full of surprises (good and bad). It helps to be open-minded and present in each day.
  • Resilience is key. With good personal relationships (to yourself and your loved ones) life becomes okay and even FUN.
  • There is always more fun to be had. Just when I think my son has worn out a toy, he fins a new way to play with it. Can we take the same approach to our habits and routines?
  • Life is messy. Why do we spend so much time avoiding the messes, the accidents and the ‘what ifs’? Most things can be rectified and/or cleaned up. Just try.
  • Things don’t necessarily happen according to my schedule. Some days I get to do what I intend – others not. I’ve learned to be patient with it, to have faith and to trust.
  • Life is good. I create it that way.

A Rude Awakening

thoughts, feelings,


Whilst struggling with my wayward trolley which seemed to have a mind of its own, already feeling stiff from a rigorous Pilates session the previous day and worried about finishing all I needed to do in my limited free time, an elderly lady walked up to me and said: “You look just like I feel.”

OMG. Talk about a rude awakening from my reveries! How was I coming across? What thoughts were making me appear that way? Did I really look frazzled? Did I feel frazzled?

It’s not that I worry about how I look – or what people think of me, but more about what thoughts I was thinking that created this physical reality. Thoughts can be worked on and changed, if necessary.

I laughed with her, re-evaluated and decided I had all the time in the world. I sat down, enjoyed a cup of coffee and wrote this article. As I was writing, a friendly customer leaned over and asked me if I was enjoying my work.

“It shows,” he said.

  • What thoughts are driving you crazy?
  • How do these thoughts make you feel?
  • What new thoughts can you replace them with, instead?