Tag Archives: obligation and duty

Nobody Owes You Anything

Nobody owes you

We’re not owed anything – by anyone. Yes, I know that’s sometimes a hard reality to accept and not quite how we’re taught to believe.

  • My friends don’t owe me their friendship or any so-called duties of ‘friends’.
  • The social groups I belong to don’t owe me any understanding, support or empathy for any personal struggles and challenges.
  • My family owes me nothing simply because of the fact that they’re family. They don’t have to show up for all special occasions or provide support all the time. They don’t ‘have to’ do anything.
  • My child doesn’t owe me anything because I keep him alive.

Do those sentences strike a chord? Well, nobody owes you anything either. Everybody lives their own life, with their own ‘stuff’: obligations, priorities, duties, beliefs and desires. If you walk around with expectations that the world owes you because it’s ‘due’, you’ll inevitably be continually disappointed. Continual disappointment leads to disillusionment and resultant unhappiness.

Feeling ‘owed’ limits both you and the world around you. You can free your demanding self with a feeling of ‘I’m okay. You’re okay” which leads to compassion, unexpected gifts (tangible and intangible), and generosity. Magic in your life happens in these moments of ‘non-obligation’ or ‘non-expectation’. People are then remarkable in ways you can’t imagine (because you had no expectations!)

Let go of the heavy feeling of being owed and convert to the feeling of life being a gift with people as additional blessings. Enjoy the miracles that then happen. Remember that all change you experience in your world comes from YOU. So start the change now.
